
About Us

RentalCalendarsDirect.com relaunched in November 2008. We now offer free single and multiple unit availability calendars that can be embedded into your website or blog. The single unit calendars are available as a static embeddable image or they are also available in the flash format which allows users to scroll forward to future months.

The multiple unit calendar is for property owners who own more than one property, and wish to display the availability for all of their properties on one calendar. It is only available in the flash format. Property owners can display as many properties as they want on the calendar!

Here is an example of the multiple unit flash availability calendar displaying availability for five properties:

These calendars are to show availability only. If you are looking for a calendar that allows for online booking and guest management, then you will need to visit our other site, Lodgix.com

Please contact us via email at support@rentalcalendarsdirect.com if you have any questions or concerns!